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Counter Surveillance / TSCM Equipment

MGT Camera-Lenz Finder / Hidden Camera Detector

MGT Camera-Lenz Finder / Hidden Camera Detector

MGT Camera-Lenz Finder Hidden Camera Detector

MGT Camera-Lenz Finder
Hidden Camera Detector

MGT Camera-Lenz Finder
Hidden Camera Detector

MGT Camera-Lenz Finder / photo-06MGT Camera-Lenz Finder / photo-02

The latest version of the MGT CAMERA-LENZ FINDER has been designed to provide search teams a means of identifying hidden covert photo optical devices.

There exist various devices in the current market; however, none demonstrate the same level of user-friendliness and effectiveness as the CAMERA-LENZ FINDER developed by MGT Europe Tactical.

The fundamental principles behind the operation of a handheld device involve the detection of reflected signals emanating from various optical components, colloquially referred to as the curved surfaces of glass that constitute lenses.

In contrast to alternative goods available in the market that exhibit a continuous emission of light, the present product integrates supplementary modes of pulsed emission in order to enhance the probability of discovering covert picture or video cameras.


  • Counter Surveillance, TSCM Equipment;

  • Identification of hidden electronic devices in the field of high-level professional bug sweeping activities.
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Bloodhound / CO2 Detector

Bloodhound / CO2 Detector

Bloodhound / CO2 Detector

CO2 Detector

CO2 Detector

MGT Distributor of Goodman Bentley

Bloodhound / photo-01Bloodhound / photo-02

The Bloodhound CO2 detector can be used to determine if any potential culprits are present in a room by measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide exhaled.

The Bloodhound underdoor CO2 detector has been developed jointly with Gas Data Limited of Coventry, to bring forward an operational piece of equipment for those tasked with searching isolated rooms and buildings where rapid intervention teams need that vital information to establish human presence in a stronghold.

Bloodhound now provides an essential safety net in this dangerous area of operations indicating reliable CO2 levels present before entry is made.


  • Counter Surveillance, TSCM Equipment;

  • CO2 Detector.
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Scorpion UDV / Under Door Viewer

Scorpion UDV / Under Door Viewer

Scorpion UDV / Under Door Viewer

Scorpion UDV
Under Door Viewer

Scorpion UDV
Under Door Viewer

MGT Distributor of Goodman Bentley

Scorpion UDV / photo-01Scorpion UDV / photo-03

The latest Goodman Bentley underdoor viewer called SCORPION UDV named because of its dual strike capability, has been designed to obtain live video and audio from within a confined space by the insertion of a 3.05mm blade thickness under most doors.

This latest micro quartz image fibre bundle technology is built at a diameter of 1.9mm and assembled within an underdoor penetration plate of 3.05mm blade, making it the thinnest UDV in the world to provide the very best possible images available to commanders preparing risk assessments in hostage siege or firearms operations.


  • Counter Surveillance, TSCM Equipment;

  • Under Door Viewer.
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Silent Witness / Through Wall Drilling System

Silent Witness / Through Wall Drilling System

Silent Witness / Through Wall Drilling System

Silent Witness
Through Wall Drilling System

Silent Witness
Through Wall Drilling System

MGT Distributor of Goodman Bentley

Silent Witness / photo-01Silent Witness / photo-03
Silent Witness drilling equipment has been designed to provide technical teams within Law Enforcement Agencies and Government Departments with the rapid response to the obtaining of audio and optical intelligence from within a stronghold by drilling silently through all known wall fabrics.
It is essential in all types of covert operations where these types of surveillance techniques are to be used, that plans are obtained of the makeup of the wall to be attacked by Silent Witness in the first instance.
The Silent Witness equipment is provided as a complete operational package including Diamond tipped drills housed in an operational constructor case.
To assist the operator in selecting the ideal beginning place and ensuring that there are no obstructions in the wall to prevent the drilling operation, Silent Witness is equipped with a specific cable, stud, and metal detector.
  • Counter Surveillance, TSCM Equipment;

  • Through Wall Drilling System.
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